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Writer's pictureKevin Van Driesten

Word and Deed

“Word and Deed”

Who can abide it? —Joel 2:11

Read Joel 2:1-11

We often think that it is good to perform deeds as well as speaking words. This is true to a point, for words without deeds are rather useless and do not resonate with us. The question remains, however, whether we perform that which we expect of others.

The Lord is true to His Word, as we read in Joel 2. The threat of a locust plague had turned into the onslaught of a locust army, with an advance like that of swift horses (v.4). The noise of their progress was like chariots (v.5) and the sight of this army made the people recoil in fear (v.6). The attack on Jerusalem took place, with the locusts forcing their way into the city and its homes (v.9).

The prophet saw this take place prophetically; the attack of the locusts coincides with “the day of the LORD.” But then a new development occurs, for in verse 11 the hostile army becomes the army of the Lord, who appears as the Hero who will judge. In this way, He remains true to His own Word, judging those who had no need of Him and blessing those whose expectations were from Him alone. Woe to us if we forsake the Lord’s callings, for the Day of Judgment is at hand. Oh, be stirred; awake so that your future may be secure with Christ.

What means does the Lord use to wake us up?

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