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Why Do We Work? (Grace at Work 1/5)

Writer's picture: Rev. Mark WagenaarRev. Mark Wagenaar

Healthy plants have deep roots and strong pillars have solid foundations. If we are to be Christians who are deeply rooted in Christ and built on the solid Rock, then we need more than mere sound bites. One means that the Lord has used throughout church history to strengthen His people’s faith and witness is reading good books. This book review series is identifying books that can serve as shovels that help you dig deeper in your Christian life.

Book: GRACE AT WORK – Redeeming the Grind & the Glory of Your Job by Bryan Chapell. 


For many, the main purpose of work is to earn a paycheck to meet their daily needs and to earn enough to enjoy life to the max. If they’re ambitious, they may have their sights set on acquiring property and goods. But Christians should look deeper. “Is there any purpose in my work beyond a paycheck?  Is there some mission for me beyond making money? Am I responsible before God only to put in the hours to fill up my bank account, pay the mortgage, feed my family, and not feel guilty about the size of the check in the offering plate?” (p. 11). This book answers these questions by digging into Scripture, showing that God calls us to use our skills, talents, and resources to extend His kingdom, for His glory, as we may have not understood before.

            Ultimately, we do not serve a company or a boss, or live only for ourselves and our needs. There is a God-given design and dignity in what we call work, which is first revealed in Genesis 1:26-27, where God decides to make “man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea.” This is further confirmed in Genesis 2:15: “The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.” These truths were confirmed to Adam before he received Eve as a “helper” and before Eve ate the forbidden fruit. Chapell states: “Because you are an image bearer, you have value and dignity before you’re ever given a job assignment” whether you become president of a large corporation or a garbage collector (p. 20).

Do you have a good grasp of why we must work? If not, this book will help you. We will explore how in the next post.


GRACE AT WORK – Redeeming the Grind & the Glory of Your Job by Bryan Chapell.  Published by Crossway, 1300 Crescent Street, Wheaton, Illinois, 60187, 2022. Softcover, 233 pages.

Buy this book by clicking here.

-       This is adapted from Mrs. Ricky (Frederika) Pronk’s book reviews in The Messenger. She is a member of Grace Free Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario and, together with her husband Rev. C. Pronk, is involved in Reformed Book Services

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