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Who Shall We Marry?

Who Shall We Marry?

And Elimelech Naomi’s husband died; and she was left, and her two sons. And they took them wives of the women of Moab; the name of the one was Orpah, and the name of the other Ruth: And they dwelled there about ten years. Ruth 1:3, 4

Read Ruth 1:1-4

Perhaps you do not want to remain single, so you begin to look for a marriage partner among those who are not from the covenant community. Moreover, not all the girls in Israel are believers, and are they actually that exemplary? Naomi was now a widow, and her son’s reasoned that nice girls could be found everywhere. So it was not long before Mahlon and Chilion found wives for themselves in Moab. Their names were Orpah and Ruth; they girls who were not part of the covenant people of God; they had a pagan background. Their marriage bliss lasted ten years. Although Naomi probably spoke to them about God during this time, they could not go to the temple or experience the communion of saints. Was it actually wedded bliss?

With whom do you seek to have a relationship? Are you able to pray with your girlfriend or boyfriend? We read in 2 Corinthians 6:14, “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers.” Your relationship is only truly good when you personally have learned to eat of the Bread of Life. Then your marriage will be able to endure trials.

Thought: Choosing and finding a marriage partner is one of the most important things that will affect your whole life.

Psalter 31:2, 4, 6 (based on Psalm 17)

With steadfast courage I design No wrong to speak or do; Thy path of life I choose for mine And walk with purpose true. For help, O God, I cry to Thee, Assured that Thou wilt answer me. O Guard me well as one doth guard The apple of the eye; While deadly foes are pressing hard, To Thee, to Thee I cry. Do Thou my rest and refuge be, O let Thy wings o’er-shadow me. Defend me from the men of pride, Whose portion is below, Who, with life’s treasures satisfied, No better portion know; They, with earth’s joys and wealth content, Must leave them all when life is spent.


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