March 5
Who Receives the Honour?
And the light of Israel shall be for a fire. —Isaiah 10:17
Read Isaiah 10:5-19
The Assyrians had been used by the Lord to punish the northern tribes (Israel). Later on, the southern tribes (Judah) would also experience God’s chastising hand. Although the Assyrians had gained a great victory over God’s people, they did not acknowledge the living God for their wealth. Instead, they boasted and exalted themselves. In their pride they attributed their victory to their own skill and power (vs. 13-14).
However, the Lord, Who had used foreign powers to drive His people to repentance, will not be mocked! Although the enemy could sow destruction and even death in the midst of Judah, they would not be able to destroy them completely. Their attack upon Jerusalem would fail, for the Lord would be a fiery wall around His people. The enemy would ultimately be destroyed (vs. 16-17).
The Lord punished these enemies because they were unwilling to give Him His honour. However, the Lord also punished the enemies of Judah because He was the Light of Israel. This means that the Lord works salvation on His people’s behalf. He will bestow this salvation to His people freely, for He is the God of Light.
Do you like to be praised? Is that wrong?
This devotional was taken from “The Time of Your Life” a daily devotional published by the Youth & Educational Committee of the FRC. To order a printed copy of this book, contact: