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Writer's pictureKevin Van Driesten

The Love of Christ as Normal

The Love of Christ as Normal

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it. Ephesians 5:25

Read 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Husbands also have a calling. They are to be the heads of their wives. However, the question remains: How is the husband to be his wife’s head? While Paul calls the woman to be submissive to her husband, this truth is immediately attached to the command that the husband is to love his own wife. This Christ-like love frees the headship of a husband from an overbearing, self-centered rule. A husband cannot be the head of his wife in a God-honouring way when he does not truly love his wife.

Paul compares the relationship between a husband and wife to the bond that exists between Christ and His church. Just as Christ is the head of His Church, a husband is the head of his wife. That is a lofty comparison, for Christ laid down His life on the accursed tree! He shed His blood for enemies! He loves His Church with a self-denying love!

Christ has shown what true love is; God’s love is a self-sacrificing love. That love is given to us as an example of the love that a husband and wife ought to have for one another. A husband may not act differently towards his wife than Christ did to His Church. When we consider the love of Christ for His people, what husband is able to say that he loves his wife uprightly? Every husband is guilty in this regard. May this truth drive us out to the cross of Golgotha; it is there that the Holy Spirit teaches us what true love is.

Thought: A husband ought to love his wife as Christ loves His church.

Psalter 401: 2,4 (based on Psalm 146) Trust not in man who soon must die, But on the living God rely; Most blest the man whose help is He That made the heaven and earth and sea. Thy God shall reign forevermore, Praise Him, O Zion, and adore; The Lord is heavens eternal King, To Him all praise and honor bring.

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