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Writer's pictureKevin Van Driesten

The Light of the City

“And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.” Revelation 21:23

Read Revelation 21:22-27

Our modern cities are lit up with many street lights, blazing neon billboards and all kinds of spotlights; we can speak not only of air pollution but also of light pollution. However, man’s artificial lights cannot overshadow the lights God created, the sun and the moon. When the lights of a city go out due to lack of power, the sun will continue to beam its direct beams and the moon its indirect light. It is against this background that we are made aware of another Light in the New Jerusalem. This city does not receive its light from artificial sources, nor from the sun or the moon; these are no longer necessary. We are now confronted with a completely different dimension; it is not part of the creation but of the re-creation.

The light that will shine so brilliantly is the glory of God; the Lamb is its main light. This makes us think of the candlestick that burned in the tabernacle and the ten candlesticks that lit the temple. These were the only sources of light in the holy place. God Himself is light, and there is no darkness in Him; his holiness, majesty and intrinsic being are perfect light. Moreover, we can speak of the light of God’s countenance and of His grace, which dispels all the darkness of sin, guilt and death. This directs us to God as the Light, to Christ who is the Light of the world and to the Holy Spirit who enlightens our understanding. How blessed are the people who experience the light of the triune God. That which will one day be perfect ought to be the longing of our hearts. The sanctification of God’s people requires that they walk in the light and avoid darkness. He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life (John 8:12). This means we must follow the Lord, that we may arrive at the city of light and be given light in all its fullness.

Thought: In the light of God’s Word, you will be able to find your way.

Psalter 94:2,4 (based on Psalm 36) Lord, Thou preservest man and beast; Since Thou art ever kind, Beneath the shadow of Thy wings We may a refuge find. The fountain of eternal life Is found alone with Thee, And in the brightness of Thy light We clearly light shall see.

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