“The foundation”
How shall this be? —Luke 1:34
Read Luke 1:26-38
The Gospel of Luke concentrates on God’s revelation of the Lord Jesus. It points us to His works and teachings. Though we live many years after Jesus’ earthly ministry, we are given a very precise and faithful report concerning Christ. Read Luke 1:3, 4 for proof that what we are told in Scripture is the truth.
An angel appears quietly to a plain, young girl. For the world, the more grandiose something is, the better; but that is not the case here. The angel speaks to Mary, and she is troubled by his lofty greeting. She must have realized that it was not an ordinary man who was addressing her, but a messenger of God.
When people today believe Luke’s account of Jesus’ conception they are often seen as foolish and naive by the world. Such things are unexplained and therefore regarded as nonsense. Mary too, did not understand everything. That is why she asked for more information. However, her inquiry was not in unbelief. She says: “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word” (v.38).
Do you submit to God’s Word as Mary did?