How are you to keep Sunday holy? What is unholy or wrong to do?
Suggested Daily Reading: Isaiah 58:13-14
Holy means set apart for or dedicated to God. The following are six helps or guidelines regarding how to keep your Sunday’s holy:
Prepare for Sunday’s approach – Regard Sunday as a special day. Do not get to bed too late Saturday night so that you are tired and dull Sunday morning.
Get up on time Sunday morning – Allow time for personal Scripture reading, meditation and prayer.
Faithfully attend church worship services – Strive to pay attention to the preaching of God’s Word, remembering that God is speaking to you. Participate thoughtfully and prayerfully in all parts of the worship service.
Heartily participate in family worship – Do your best to encourage and show interest in family singing, reading, prayer, discussions and other religious activities.
Actively engage in personal worship – Schedule time for personal reading, meditation and prayer.
Plan other God-honoring activities – Plan such things as studying parts of Scripture with others, young people’s discussion and singing opportunities, preparing a topic for your youth group, reaching out to visit the sick or lonely, plan how you could help others during the week, etc.
Do all this with a holy joy and delight – Love to love God and others. Love it when you can devote a whole day to doing this!
Are you looking forward to Sunday each week? Are you planning your Sunday well? Are you doing all with holy joy? Do you love to love God and others?