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Writer's picture: Kevin Van DriestenKevin Van Driesten


He shall be their shepherd. —Ezekiel 34:23

Read Ezekiel 34:20-31

Maybe you have seen a shepherd take care of his sheep. A true shepherd knows his sheep and they know him. They listen to his voice and follow him. What a beautiful image this is of the Lord Jesus; He is the Good Shepherd. There were shepherds in Israel who did not lead the people on a good path. These shepherds only sought to profit from the sheep placed under their care. John calls them hirelings. They would not lay down their lives for their sheep. In today’s text Ezekiel announces the coming of the Good Shepherd.

This Shepherd receives His instructions from God Himself (vs.23, 29). As the great Shepherd He will deliver His sheep; He is able to do what no one else can do, uniting Jew and Gentile into one flock (vs.22,23). That’s why John was able to write in John 10:16 that “there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.” He will be the greater than David, and as King He will establish His kingdom upon the earth (v.24). When He came to this earth very little could be seen of His royal heritage, yet the wise men from the East, Simeon, and Anna the prophetess saw it by faith and adored Him.

This great King would make a covenant of peace with His people and establish a covenant of grace (v.25). The Lord would be their God; all those who come to know the Lord Jesus as their Shep-herd and King are His people.

What is the task of a shepherd?

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