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Writer's picture: Kevin Van DriestenKevin Van Driesten


Seek ye the Lord while he may be found. —Isaiah 55:6

Read Isaiah 55

The most important question we should ask is, “How can I be reconciled with God?” In order to receive the answer, we must exert ourselves to use every means available to us. As the saying goes, “If you want to get wet, you must stand in the rain.” Attend worship services and other church activities that offer the Word. If you want to know the Lord, you must diligently use the means of grace to receive God’s salvation. We read in Romans 10:17 that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. The reformer, Luther, also learned this. This is how he said it, based on Ephesians 2:8, “Getting saved can only occur through God’s Word, by grace through faith.”

Perhaps someone says, “I always go to church on Sundays, I go to catechism classes, I read my Bible and pray for a new heart, but I do not experience a living faith and cannot place my trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.” If this is true, does this cause you grief? If so, do not become discouraged or careless, but continue to diligently use the means of grace. God has promised that in this way He will work faith in the hearts of sinners.

How can you be reconciled to God?

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