Pray and Work
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour. 1 Timothy 2:1-3
Read 1 Timothy 2
Do you ever pray for those in authority, for your local and federal government leaders? Perhaps you do not feel any attachment to these heads of state, especially when their political views do not match yours. Instead you feel distanced from them when they do not consider the needs of the working or middle class of our society.
Yet prayer for our representatives should not be reserved for the official worship services on Sundays. If you would fulfill your place in society as a Christian, you must also intercede for your rulers, for those who have been given positions of authority. What should motivate us to do so? Just read the words of our text: It is good and acceptable in God’s holy sight.
You should pray, not first of all for your own concerns and the people who are dear to you, but for the spreading of the gospel, that its influence might increase. In doing this, your prayers will automatically branch out to include the needs of others. Paul encouraged Timothy to pray for all men. You might think that is an impossible task! Seek to do so by beginning with your peers at work or school, by remembering your friends, and by thinking of the neighbours on your street. The possibilities are endless. In this way you will become more concerned for the well being of your fellow man.
Thought: Who will you pray for today?
Psalter 349:1,4 (based on Psalm 122) My heart was glad to hear the welcome sound, The call to seek Jehovah’s house of prayer; Our feet are standing here on holy ground, Within thy gates, thou city grand and fair. For all my brethren and companions sake My prayer shall be, Let peace in thee abide; Since God the Lord in thee His dwelling makes, To thee my love shall never be denied.