Persevering Prayer
And it came to pass at the seventh time, that he said, Behold, there ariseth a little cloud out of the sea, like a man’s hand. 1 Kings 18:44
Read 1 Kings 18:43-46
The Lord had immediately answered the prayer of Elijah by raining fire from heaven. However, this does not always happen. Elijah also prayed seven times in succession for it to rain; he persevered in prayer. He did not give up after praying two or three times. He continued to pray for rain on behalf of a sinful people and a sinful king.
Do you also pray for your country and its rulers? Do you ever discuss this need with others? Do you ever tell others what you pray for? Do they know that you pray?
The Lord sent an abundance of rain in response to Elijah’s perseverance in prayer. When the prophet had prayed for rain for the seventh time, his servant came with the encouraging message that a small cloud, the size of a man’s hand, could be seen. The sky then became black with clouds driven by great gusts of wind which brought an abundance of rain. It was totally undeserved. Ahab and his subjects were not worthy of this at all. It was the Lord’s doing.
That is true today as well. The Lord provides sunshine and rain. He gives food and drink to us and all creatures on the earth. Do you thank the Lord for these blessings? These favours may give an occasion to speak of God’s greatness and mercy at school or at work. The Lord not only cares for the body but also for the souls of those who fear Him uprightly. The Lord grants us everything we need, in answer to prayer, for Jesus’ sake. Pass this message on to others.
Thought: The Lord hears and answers prayer.
Psalter 444:1,2 (based on Psalm 103) O bless the Lord, my soul, with all thy power! Exalt the God Who is thy strength and tower; Let all within me bless His holy Name. Bless Him who heareth all thy supplication; Forget not thou His kindly ministration, But all His gracious benefits proclaim. O bless the Lord, who all thy need supplieth! Thy soul with good He fully satisfieth, And, like the eagle’s, He renews thy youth. Jehovah doeth right for He is holy; His judgments for the sore oppressed and lowly Are done in perfect righteousness and truth.