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No Impurity

“No impure thoughts, words, or deeds”

Thou shalt not commit adultery. —Matthew 5:27

Read Matthew 5:27-32

Divorce and the misery and sorrow it brings are unquestionably tragic. The love and shelter of a family unit is literally torn apart. The Bible warns against divorce and only allows it when adultery has been committed (v.32).

While we do not want to focus on this reason for divorce in any great depth, it does reveal to us the importance that the Lord places on the marriage relationship between a man and a woman. The Bible often compares the relationship between Israel and the Lord to that of the marriage state between a husband and wife. It is a very personal relationship, and therefore the seventh commandment not only addresses adultery, but also concentrates on the real value of marriage. The Lord Himself has brought man and woman together and commanded them to become one flesh (Gen.2:24). In marriage, partners are called to be a help to one another, and this bond is also meant to prevent adultery. Marriage is also a training ground for communion with Christ.

For this reason, the Bible has strong edicts against impure and unchaste behaviour as well. This behaviour can take the form of gestures, dress, words, or thoughts (Heidelberg Catechism, Answer 109.) All these are clearly judged as sins against the seventh commandment. Therefore I urge you as young people to help one another fight against impure sins of thoughts, words, and deeds. Seek and covet God’s blessing upon your relationships as boy-friends and girlfriends, and for yourself if you are single.

What does it mean to sin in words, thoughts, and deeds?


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