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Writer's pictureKevin Van Driesten

May 7

Not Our Work

“Let us go forth therefore unto Him… —Hebrews 13:13

Read Hebrews 13:12-25

Yesterday we meditated on the subject of the altar, which actually refers to Jesus Christ. Is that Altar yours? Or, are you, figuratively speaking, satisfied with the tabernacle, meaning the shell of religion? Are you perhaps busy trying to obtain salvation by your good works? You might pray and read the Bible a lot, which is a good thing in itself, but we need Jesus the Altar.

He is willing to be our sacrifice if we call on Him. If you are satisfied with only the tabernacle, then you must flee from it. Direct your attention to Golgotha’s cross, where the Lord Jesus hung in order to secure the salvation of His people and to give them eternal life. If we serve the tabernacle only, then we have no right to use the Altar. No right. Therefore, forsake your own works and do not make them a ground for your salvation. Look unto the Lord Jesus.

“Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.”

What is the difference between doing good works in your own strength or doing them through Christ?

This devotional was taken from “The Time of Your Life” a daily devotional published by the Youth & Education Committee of the FRC. To order a printed copy of this book, contact:

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