Our Father Which Art in Heaven
“Thine they were…” —John 17:6
Read John 17:1-6
The perfect prayer begins with the words “Our Father which art in heaven.” When we meditate on this line, it seems that we are faced with a great contrast. The words “our Father” are close and familiar, while the words “which art in heaven” sound so remote.
But when we place these words alongside what we read in John 17, we can better understand their meaning. The Lord Jesus had finished the work that was given to Him by the Father (John 17:4). His work was to reveal the name of His Father (John 17:6), and thus all those who believe in His name can come to the Father through the work of Christ.
Why do we read, “which art in heaven”?
This devotional was taken from “The Time of Your Life” a daily devotional published by the Youth & Educational Committee of the FRC. To order a printed copy of this book, contact: bookorders@frcna.org.