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Writer's pictureKevin Van Driesten

Halting Between Two Opinions

Halting Between Two Opinions

And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? If the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word. 1 Kings 18:21

Read 1 Kings 18:21-29

Elijah spoke honestly to the people of Israel. Religiously, they were halting between two opinions. On the one hand, they were willing to accept the service of the Lord, but they were just as willing to acknowledge Baal and Ashtoreth. They were not concerned about God’s demand that they serve Him alone with all their heart and strength. The nation was intent on combining the service of the Lord with that of their idols.

Have you also seen this happening in your surroundings? Do you have friends and colleagues who attend church on Sundays but serve modern day idols during the week? Alas, many church attendees bow to the gods of mammon and entertainment. Since Baal and Ashtoreth were fertility gods, their worship involved immoral acts. But God’s Word draws strict boundaries with respect to immorality and uncleanness; they must be resisted! It is impossible to serve two masters. The Lord demands all of your life. He requires that we strive against all manner of transgressions against His Law. Do you dare speak to others if they are living a double life? Are you halting between two opinions? Are you trying to combine the service of the living God with that of modern day idols? The devil thinks that is fine! He knows what the end result will be. Therefore, stop trying to serve two incompatible deities. Serve the God of heaven and earth alone, the one true God. Whoever serves the Lord will never be put to shame.

Thought: An open Bible and unwise internet use are incompatible.

Psalter 91:1, 2 (based on Psalm 35) God guards the good with watchful eye, His ear attentive to their cry. Against the wicked sets His face, From earth their memory to erase. The righteous cry, Jehovah hears, And rescues them from all their fears; The Lord draws nigh to broken hearts, To contrite spirits help imparts.

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