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Writer's pictureKevin Van Driesten

Eternal Night

Eternal Night

And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and forever. Revelation 20:10

Read Revelation 20:1-10

In our text we read the dreadful end of the devil’s reign. He has caused much confusion and chaos—the actual meaning of his name means diabolical. He is also known as Satan, the great adversary of the Lord and His people. The eternal destiny of the devil and his followers is most terrible. They will be forever doomed to the place of eternal torments, never finding rest and forever cursing the moment they opposed their Creator.

There is no possibility for the devil to repent. The gates of heaven will eternally remain closed to him. What a miracle that the gospel may be proclaimed for sinners, a deeply fallen humanity! We are no less guilty than the devil, for we too are enemies of God. But the Lord still desires to draw sinners from their native darkness to His kingdom of light. Satan only has a short time to tempt them. As the time of his final end draws near, he is given freer rein to execute his devices. He will bring about much devastation and ruin, especially in people’s lives.

Do you fear his power? Remember one thing: the devil is chained and will never be able to fulfill his exploits beyond what the Lord allows him to perform. Therefore, flee to the eternal King with whom you are safe, both now and forever.

Thought: Do you have a safe refuge in this life?

Psalter 6:4,5 (based on Psalm 4) In reverence wait, from sin depart, In meditation calm your heart; Hold fast the right, be true and just, And in Jehovah put your trust. O who will show us any good, Exclaims the faithless multitude; But lift on us, O Lord, we pray, The brightness of Thy face this day.

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