A Cry Of Despair
“And he said unto Jesus, “Lord, remember me…” —Luke 23:42
Read Luke 23:33-43
There were but few people at the cross who did not join in mocking, jeering, joking and laughing at the Lord Jesus. Most of the bystanders had dismissed Him; they were very disappointed in Him. He had saved others but could not save Himself. The exuberant shout “Hosannah!” had been changed into “Crucify Him!” And now on Golgotha’s hill they mocked Him. Many did not want to have anything to do with Him. Perhaps they thought, of what value is a dead Jesus? What must I do with someone who is counted among criminals? Nothing good can be said of Him. So they released their frustrations by joining in with the shouting.
Have you seen yourself in one of the bystanders at the cross of Christ? There was one person present who began to see things differently than the rest. He was a hopeless case; there was no refuge for him. He had been judged and deserved to be hanging upon a cross. He was a murderer. And yet, Christ was not a disappointing “Hero” for this man! He saw something else, namely, that this Man of sorrows was his only hope. He did not plead in vain. Nobody ever pleads in vain!
Are you still a mocker or have you learned the murderer’s prayer: “Lord, remember me when Thou comest into Thy Kingdom”?
What was the result of the murderer’s call?
This devotional was taken from “The Time of Your Life” a daily devotional published by the Youth & Educational Committee of the FRC. To order a printed copy of this book, contact: bookorders@frcna.org.