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Writer's picture: Kevin Van DriestenKevin Van Driesten

“He who hath ears, let him hear”

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. —Revelation 2:17

Read Revelation 2:12-17

When you read the letters written in the early chapters of Revelation you may notice that terms like battle, sword and victory are commonly used. Most likely the congregations of Asia Minor had to fight fiercely against their enemies. We have seen in the previous meditations that this is part of the Christian life. We must strive against the devil, the world and our own flesh. We also must strive against doubt, unbelief and sin. However, in considering these letters, we need to point our attention to something else as well, namely, the all-knowing Christ who sent these letters. Not only were these letters sent to particular congregations, but they are also ad-dressed to us. Each letter starts with the following words: “I know thy works.” Christ knows our works, thoughts and words; He knows the deepest motives of your heart. He knows precisely whether you serve Him uprightly and honestly or if you are a Christian only in name.

But, He is also very patient! In every letter we hear the call to repentance, for now is the day of salvation. However, He will not always be patient; He has a two-edged sword (v.12) which comes out of His mouth (Rev.1:16). This refers to the sword of His Word with which He will take strong action against all perverse sinners in His congregation. He will fight and destroy them if they do not repent. His Word is still meant for your safety. But will it turn against you one day? He who has ears, let him hear. The original actually says, “He who has an ear, must hear.” It is an urgent call to listen to what the Spirit of God says to you. Therefore pray, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?”

What does the Lord imply with His command to “hear”?

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