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Writer's pictureArt Burggraaf

The Song Of Mary Magdalene

There are whispers in Galilee

Of a prophet divine

 A carpenter turned king

The water turned wine

Compassionate love

That will never cease

Wonderful Counselor

My prince of peace

There are whispers in Galilee

Whispers of a king

No royal robe

No crown and no ring

The world pushed me aside

He welcomed me in

In  peace I’ll abide

With cleansing from sin.

There are whispers in Galilee

Whispers of the one

Who quickened the dead

The Lords only son

The lepers are healed

The blind can now see

He mends the torn heart

Of even one such as me

There are whispers in Galilee

Of the end He will meet

Disciples argue who’s greatest

Christ washes their feet

Betrayed at Gethsemane

Gabatha’s stripes flowing down

Mocked at Calvary

With thorns for a crown

There are whispers in Galilee

Of a blaspheming one

False charges false witness

His  lips remained dumb

Hanging before me

Filled with grief now I cry

To me most beloved

Yet they crucify

There are whispers in Galilee

Of a rolled away stone

Tears  at the sepulchre

Still I’m not alone

Beseeching the gardener

Where does my Lord lie

Yet this is the pierced one

The  one I watched die

There are whispers in Galilee

Whispers of a  King

He has risen in victory

And that’s why I sing

I will shout from the mountain tops

I will praise him on high

My King my Deliverer


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