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  • Ask a Pastor: Why Would Adam Have to Subdue the Earth if it was Perfect?

    Question Why would Adam have to subdue the earth if it was perfect? When God created Adam in Genesis 1, he gives him the command to "be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it".  The word subdue means to bring something under control. How does the command for Adam to bring the earth under control align with the belief that the whole earth was perfect before the fall? Answer Thanks for your good question. Indeed, all things were perfect before the fall in paradise. Sadly, however, after the fall everybody and everything has been negatively affected in one way or another by that “original sin.” When God created all things in the first six days of world history, He did so by Himself and for Himself (Col. 1:16) by the word of His power (Ps. 33:9). In His creative wisdom, although all things were sinless, all things were not equal. Mankind was made in God’s image and likeness (Gen. 1:26), while the earth he lives in was not made in God’s image. According to God’s assessment, the earth was “good” (Gen. 1:25) while mankind was “very good” (Gen. 1:31). So when the Lord tells mankind (Adam) to subdue the earth, he is simply reminding him (and us as we read this history) that mankind is the “capstone” of creation. He is not equal to the earth, but authoritative over the earth and we are to recognize it was made for humans by our all-wise Creator (Mk. 2:27). Subduing the earth corresponds with the call to “have dominion” over the animal world (Gen. 1:26). In His great wisdom God afforded mankind the dignity and honor to be His “vice-regents” to take care of His creation in His stead. The idea of subduing the earth has to do with the created order God built into creation and not with the sin that has affected it. We are to worship God, but not worship the creation itself (Rom. 1:25), even as we recognize and are inspired by God’s creative handiwork (Ps. 19:1). Are you and I respecting God’s creation, yet living in it realizing that we have divinely granted authority over it? With that, are we doing so realizing this world is temporary? One day this present earth will “pass away” Jesus said (Lk. 21:33 cf. 2 Pet. 3:10).  At that time the Lord will usher in a new heaven and new earth (Rev. 21:1) where only sinless righteousness dwells (2 Pet. 3:13). Only those who by grace have believed in Jesus Christ will be there with the Lord forever (Jn. 3:36). Will you and I be there as well? I pray it may be so!

  • God’s Providence

    I struggle with blaming God when things go wrong.  If God controls all things, why does He not prevent wrong things from happening? Suggested Daily Reading: Psalm 73 Asaph struggled with similar thoughts in Psalm 73.  He observed righteous people who suffered many problems and ungodly people who did not seem to experience so many troubles.  While we do not fully understand God or His dealings, the following truths may be helpful. Disasters, disease and death are the results of our sin. When mankind chose sin, God had already warned us that sin would bring death (Gen. 2:17).  Would it be right for a young person who is being punished by his father for serious wrong-doing to blame his father “Because he could have prevented this punishment from happening”? God will often take sinful and disastrous happenings and use them to serve a good purpose. Often we cannot see the “good purpose” at the time we experience the hardship, but we often can later.  Do you remember how seriously wrong Joseph’s brothers treated him, and how they sold their own brother into slavery in Egypt?  This was seriously wrong and very sinful, but God used these terribly painful experiences in Joseph’s life for a very good end, to keep thousands and millions of people alive.  Later Joseph looks back on these years and says to his brothers that what they did was very evil, but God used it for a good purpose (Gen 50:20). In the end of time God will right every wrong and His perfect judgment and righteousness shall be seen. When Asaph realized this in verse 17 of Psalm 73, a shift in his thinking occurred.  He saw the end of the wicked and of the righteous, and he could rest in and be comforted by this truth. Read Deuteronomy 29:29.  Why should we strive to avoid trying to understand the secret things of God?  Instead, why should we focus on the clear instructions God has revealed to us in His Word?  Are you praying and working to learn, live and love according to God’s will, as communicated to us in His Word, the Bible?

  • Speech

    Q: How do we know when we are crossing a line from positive to sinful talk? Suggested Daily Reading: James 3 A: Language is a precious gift that God has given us.  Speech separates us from animals. If I offered you $1 million would you give up your ability to speak, hear and understand language for the rest of your life?   Language is valuable and important because it: Is a precious gift of God Reflects our thoughts and personality Influences others Is a power for good or evil Makes us accountable to God God gave us the gift of speech in order to use words in a careful, polite, noble, pure, holy and reverent way.  We cross a line from a positive use of words to a negative use when our words become the opposite, i.e. careless, disrespectful, degrading, obscene, cursing or profane. Imagine the following scenario:  Elaine observed a younger girl at her high school carrying a load of books, supplies and her purse.  As the girl rounded a busy corner in the hallway, she tripped and everything she was carrying went flying.  Laughter and whistling filled the air with joking comments like, “Way to go there Graceful!”  “Walk much?”  The deeply-embarrassed and flustered girl, bent down and tried to pick up all her stuff between the feet of those laughing at her.  Observing this, Elaine rushed to her side and bent down to help her pick up her things. “Don’ t worry about it, we’ve all done this,” she commented.  The relieved girl smiled a bit and sighed, “Yes, but not in front of everybody!” “Oh, tomorrow you’ll laugh about it,” Elaine responded.  Can you distinguish the speech that was careless, disrespectful and degrading in this example from that which was careful, polite and noble? Avoid all speech that mocks with God’s names, God’s attributes (e.g. “goodness gracious” or “holy smoke”), God’s dwelling place (e.g. “for heaven’s sake”), God’s punishments (e.g. “damn” or “hell”), or God’s amazing creation (e.g. obscene or degrading references to human sexuality). What is your speech and use of language like?  Are you praying and working to reduce your misuse, and increase your positive use of words?  Words can promote God’s honor and help others, or the opposite.  Which is your speech promoting?

  • Self-Idolatry

    I heard that someone can make an idol of himself, how is that possible? Suggested Daily Reading: Genesis 3:1-8 Anyone or anything that we put ahead of God, as number one in our heart, motives, thoughts, words or actions is an idol.  If someone, for example, puts his or her desires, plans, or reputation ahead of God’s, he is committing self-idolatry. God created everything with Himself as sovereign God in the center, as the focal point and perfection of all.  If we, as sinful people, try to remove God from His rightful place and put ourselves on the throne, this is self-idolatry.  The thinking of self-idolatry places self first and in the center.  It asks in the first place, “How will this impact me?”  “Is this what I want?”  “Is this good for me?”  “What’s in it for me?”  The self-idolater wants what he wants, when, where and how he wants it.  And if things do not go his way, he is upset. Self-idolatry believes and practices the lie that Satan seduced our first parents with in paradise, that we can be our own god and determine right and wrong for ourselves.  We can be our own king and sovereign.  “This is not how I see it.”  “This is not wrong to me.”  “This is what I believe.”  These are the confessions and practice of a self-idolater.  He thinks that he has the right to determine what is right and wrong for himself.  Self is the ultimate determiner. A Christian is different.  A true believer sees that God is king and sovereign and that he is a creature under God.  What God proclaims to be right or wrong is so, regardless of what he might think about it. And God teaches what is right or wrong in His Word, the Bible,  The Christian wants to live for God, serve God and promote God’s honor and glory.  The self-idolater wants to live for self, serve selfish interests and promote his or her own honor and glory. The one worships God.  The other serves a self-idol. Are you a self-idolater who serves self and fights against God, or are you a Christian who serves God, fighting against selfishness — your self-centered, self-serving and self-honoring nature and desires?

  • Government Criticism and Disobedience

    Is it permissible to criticize or disobey government? Or to be disrespectful to government leaders? Suggested Daily Reading: Romans 13: 1-7 God is the ultimate authority.  He is the creator of all things, also of you and me.  We must all obey and give answer to the Sovereign King of the universe (II Chron. 20:6; Ps. 103:19).  God has revealed His will and commandments in His Word, the Bible (Deut. 4:2; Rev. 22:18-19).  God and His Word must always be obeyed, without exception.  God and His Word are perfect, true, inerrant and infallible (II Tim. 3:16; II Pet. 1:21).  The Bible is absolute authority. To enable human life to function in a fallen, sinful world, God has delegated authority to persons in positions to govern others.  The Lord has delegated authority to: Parents to rule in their home Elders to govern in the church Officials to preside in civil governments Managers to direct in their businesses and institutions We are to respect those God has placed in authority over us (Rom. 13:1-2; I Pet. 2:17).  Even when we do not agree with them (I Pet. 2:18-20).  Even when they do not live uprightly (Mt. 23:1-3).  Still we must respect them for their God-given position of authority.  Even when we communicate our disagreement, it must be done in a respectful manner (Acts 23:5).  We may communicate disagreement, but only with respectful words and actions. We are called to obey those God has placed in authority over us (Ex. 20:12; Eph. 6:1-6).  Those in positions of delegated authority, however, may not simply use their authority to lead people and regulate matters according to their own ideas, feelings or preferences.  No, they are responsible to God.  They are to direct all according to God’s will not their own (II Sam. 23:3; Mi. 3:1-4).  How are they and we to know what God’s infallible will is?  From His infallible Word, the Bible. If therefore, a person in delegated authority commands us to do or not do something that contradicts the ultimate authority, then we must obey God and not man (Acts 5:29).  When the two conflict, we must obey the Word of God, as taught in the Bible, and not the word of man, as commanded in civil laws and rulings. May we disagree with a person placed in authority over us?  If so, how must we communicate this disagreement?  May we disobey our local, state or provincial, or national governments?  When and only when?  Why?  How must we act toward persons in authority who we disagree with on biblical grounds?  How must we speak about and act toward them?

  • Gossip and Slander

    Is it wrong to talk about others’ faults, even if they are true? Suggested Daily Reading: Genesis 9:20-27 Every person sins and makes mistakes.  When we observe this in the lives of others or hear about it, how we choose to respond is important.  Read Genesis 9:20-27.  Ham, one of Noah’s three sons, observed a sinful failure of his father.  He chose to gossip about it and went and told his brothers (and possibly his son Canaan, and others).  Shem and Japheth, the other two sons, chose to respond differently.  Instead of broadcasting their father’s sin, they covered it.  The result was that Noah (and God) blessed Shem and Japheth and cursed Canaan. Gossiping is choosing to talk about the sins and failures of others.  This is sinful.  A person’s reputation or good name is valuable (Eccl. 7:1; Prov. 22:1).  Some people who would not think of murdering or stealing valuable goods from another, appear to have no problem to kill another with words and rob another of his or her reputation, which is of great value. Slandering is even worse than gossiping.  It adds the sin of lying.  Slandering is speaking evil about others that is not true.  It comes from a desire to harm or destroy the reputation of another. Satan is the great and continual accuser of God’s children (Rev. 12:10).  He constantly points to and speaks about the failures and shortcomings of believers.  The devil is the father of lies and a slanderer from the beginning (Gen. 3:4-5).  To delight in talking about the failures of others or to slander others is devilish.  Thomas Watson wrote, “He that speaks a slander has a devil’s tongue, and he that delights in hearing it has a devil’s ear.” The spirit underlying gossip and slander is the opposite of that commanded in Scripture.  We are called by God to bring forth the fruits of the Holy Spirit and of love (charity) and not the fruits of the evil spirit and hatred.  Pray and strive to seek the best for others and not to harm others.  Let this be your goal to grow in love (charity) to others.  “Charity suffers long, and is kind; charity envieth not: charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; beareth all things, believeth all things, endureth all things” (1 Cor. 13:4-7). Love thinks, hopes and speaks respectfully and in the best way possible of others.  Gossip and slander imagine, suspect and talk disrespectfully and in the worst way possible of others.  Radiate love, not hate. Why is gossip and slander devilish?  How can children of God be distinguished from children of Satan in how they think and speak about others?  Are you praying and striving to be respectful, caring and loving toward others?

  • Believing in God

    My friend said he would only believe there is a God if he could see, hear or touch Him.  How should I answer him? Suggested Daily Reading: John 4:19-30 We believe in many things that we cannot see, hear or touch.  Imagine telling a person in great pain that you do not believe in pain because you cannot see, hear or touch it.  Think of telling a couple on their wedding day that there is no such thing as love and that you know this because you cannot see, hear or touch love.  We know that pain and love are real because we feel and experience the truth of them.  So it is with God, we know He is real because we experience the joy of His presence and love and we feel the pain when we sin against Him. We also believe in things we cannot see, hear or touch directly because we see the effects of them.  We see the effects of pain and love.  We see the effects of electricity, gravity and air.  We see the effects of God’s creative and upholding work in the universe and the effects in the lives of those who believe in Him. We believe in many things that we cannot fully understand.  Imagine a little child asking you to explain how the seeds you just planted in the garden are going to produce tomatoes, carrots or corn.  You believe they will, but you cannot fully explain the miracles that take place to make this happen.  In this same way we also believe in God even though we cannot fully understand his infinite being with our finite mind. We also believe things that we have never personally witnessed because reliable people have told or reported them to us.  For example, if you read a news report online that a strong earthquake occurred in Japan, you believe it, even though you were not there to personally experience it.  You trust the sources reporting this information to you.  In this same way we also believe that there is a God because the Bible, the most reliable source of all, informs us of Him. Do you believe in God?  Are the results of love to God and others seen in your life?

  • Music

    How can I determine what music is good to listen to?  Everyone seems to have a different opinion. Suggested Daily Reading: Psalm 150 Music is a gift of God.  Scriptures frequently speak of praising God with musical instruments (Ps. 150: 3-5) and by singing (Ps. 95:1); privately (Eph. 5:19) and in public worship (1 Chr. 15:16).  As with all gifts from the Lord, however, Satan will strive to use God’s good gift for evil purposes. Choosing the music we listen or do not listen to is similar with other choices we make in life.  We are to choose that which honors God and His Word and to avoid that which dishonors the Lord and promotes self-exaltation and sinful lusts (Eccl. 12:13-14, Phil. 4:8, Gal. 6:7-8, Pr0v. 3:1-8, 1 Thess. 5:21-23, etc.) Music choices are important.  Music not only impacts our minds, but it also stirs our emotions.  It touches our hearts.  For example, if I asked you to quote some sentences that your Kindergarten teacher spoke, most of us would not be able to do so.  But if I asked you to sing a song you learned in Kindergarten, most of us could do so.  Music is powerful. Satan knows the power of music.  God gave music to motivate us to good, but the devil uses music to influence us to evil.  A world-wide music war is raging to capture the minds and hearts of people.  The following guidelines can help us to make good choices: Lyrics – Do the words of the song promote the praise of God and care for others, or love of self and selfish lusts? Beat – Does the rhythm promote the positive fruits of the Spirit, or stir evil lusts? Singers – Are the lifestyles of the singers God-honoring and moral, or are they self-honoring and immoral?  Is their dress and appearance God-pleasing or man-pleasing? Concerts – Are the fans who attend their concerts stirred to praise God and to walk in His ways, or praise the singers and to engage in sinful thoughts, words and actions? Graphics – Does the artwork displayed on their music promote biblically healthy images, or sinful ones? Goal – Is the purpose of the music to glorify and end in God, or to glorify man and end in self-fixation? If the music is “Christian”, ask yourself questions such as:  Are the lyrics biblically sound? Do they end more in God, or more in my feelings?  Is the beat fitting and edifying? Do the singers aim to honor God or themselves? Pray and use these guidelines when making music choices.  The music you chose to listen to will influence you – for good or for evil. Why are your choices of music important?  Why is Satan very interested in music and why does he actively promote it?  There is a wide range of “Christian” music available today.  Why is it important that we are discerning and not simply accepting of all because it is “Christian”?

  • Christianity

    Q: With so many religions in the world, how can I know that Christianity is really the only true religion? Suggested Daily Reading: Ephesians 2:1-10 A: All religions (other than Christianity) in the world depend on people to perform certain actions or to refrain from doing certain things in order to earn salvation, appease evil spirits, or transcend to higher levels of being.  They all are based on man’s works totally or partially. Only Christianity is different.  Christianity is based upon God’s grace; God’s love to undeserving sinners.  Only Christianity proclaims a God Who gave His own Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to pay the full price for sinners’ sins and Who  freely gives salvation to unworthy people.  Only Christianity speaks of salvation as a God-given gift to be received and not a man-focused reward to be earned. No human being could have ever thought of such a gracious way of salvation.  Who would ever imagine a judge sentencing a guilty person and then providing His own  innocent son to take the guilty person’s place?  Who would ever think of a Son who would be willing to suffer and die to pay the price for rebellious sinners?  This is too wonderful, too unheard of!  Only God could have designed such a plan. What a wonderful comfort Christianity provides for true Christians!  Only  Christians can rest in full assurance of hope.  Why?  Because their salvation has been fully earned and paid for by God.  God took on our human nature in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.  He suffered and died and paid the full price for all the sins of those who believe on Him.  Therefore the true Christian can be assured of his or her salvation.  No other religion can rest in such assurance.  Why not?  Because in all other religions, salvation depends totally or partially on the person and on his or her works.  Because no one is perfect and everyone can stumble and fall into sin in the future, no one can rest assured of his or her salvation.  Only Christianity offers perfect salvation.  Salvation based entirely upon the perfect work of a perfect God! Has God’s wonderful, free and gracious salvation filled you with amazement?  Have you experienced that you can never please a perfect God with your imperfect works?  Have you turned instead to the Lord Jesus and found in Him and in His perfect work your hope and salvation?  Is it you desire and aim to live your life out of thankful love to this gracious God?

  • Pray and Work

    Q: If salvation is a free gift of God, why should we pray and work for it? Suggested Daily Reading: Nehemiah 4: 7-11 A:“Ora” and” labora” are two rhyming Latin words that mean pray and work.  You need to do both.  When Nehemiah heard that the enemies of Israel were gathering together against them, he prayed and set watches by day and night.  He did both.  Not one or the other, but both. Imagine trying to row a boat with one oar.  What will happen?  Your boat will go in circles but not make progress.  You need to row with two oars.  This is true in order to make spiritual progress as well.  You need to use both the oar of prayer and of work. Ora and labora:  You need to pray to God and use His means of grace.  Imagine a vegetable farmer praying that God will give him a good harvest, but this farmer does not sow his crops or cultivate his fields.  What will the outcome be?  Or think of a farmer who uses the best seed, fertilizer and equipment, but he does not ask God to bless his labours.  Can the farmer cause one seed to grow?  The miracle of growth is God’s.  Only God can cause a seed to sprout into a plant and to bring forth fruit.  How are both farmers in our illustration making serious mistakes?  What error is each making? We can make similar mistakes when seeking to be saved.  We can pray, but ignore the active use of God’s means of grace – attentively focusing on the reading and preaching of God’s Word.  Or we can actively use the means of grace but forget that we cannot perform the miracle of giving ourselves spiritual life.  This is solely God’s work.  We must pray and ask Him for this. We must do both.  Pray and work.  Ora and labora. Are you actively using God’s means of grace?  Are you seriously praying for God blessing as you do so?  Scripture calls us to do both.  Remember “ora” and “labora.”  Are you “rowing” with both of these “oars”?

  • Real Religion

    How can you know if your religion is really real? Suggested Daily Reading: Matthew 13: 1-23 (especially verse 21) The following event took place years ago in the Soviet Union at a time when Christians were severely persecuted.  During a Sunday worship service, soldiers stormed in, marched to the front and levelled their guns.  Their leader challenged the congregation, “How many of you really believe in your Jesus and want to be with Him?  If you do, go stand by the wall on your right and you will receive your wish today.  We will shoot you all.  Those who do not really believe in Jesus, there is the door.  You are free to leave now.  You have exactly 3 minutes to decide to leave or to die, starting right now!” What happened?  Some walked out of the door, but a sizeable number went and stood against the wall.  After the three minutes passed and all had chosen, the soldiers lowered their guns and their leader spoke to those standing by the wall, “Dear brothers and sisters, we too are Christians.  Now that the hypocrites have left, let us worship our God in Spirit and in truth.” Times of self-denial, times that require putting God above ourselves and His will above our own can clearly distinguish real religion from the outward show of it.  The call for self-sacrifice often tests who I really serve – God or myself. How would you respond if you were worshiping in the church where these soldiers stormed in?  Would you walk out the door or go stand by the wall?  Is your religion real?

  • The Bible (part 2 of 2)

    How can I know that the Bible is really God’s word (continued)? Suggested Daily Reading: II Peter 1:19-21 and II Timothy 3:14-17 This meditation presents 6 more evidences that testify that the Bible is really the word of God. Think of the Bible’s unique: Teachings about God and man – Only the Bible praises God to the highest and honestly teaches man’s total depravity.  The Bible presents God as perfect and infinite in all aspects of his being and man as spiritually dead (toward God) with a totally sinful heart. Historical accuracy – Books of ancient origin contain mistakes and exaggerations, but none have been found in the Bible.  In fact new archaeological discoveries more and more confirm the Bible’s accuracy even in historical details. Scientific accuracy – Books written in the past include scientific mistakes, but the Bible does not include any errors.  In fact, the Bible speaks of scientific truths that were not confirmed by science until thousands of years later.  For example, the Bible spoke of the earth being a sphere (Isa. 40:22) and that it hangs in space, on nothing (Job 26:7). Fulfillment of prophecy – Prophecies in the Bible are often very specific regarding events, places and people.  All, except those regarding the end of time, have been fulfilled in every detail.  Think, for example, of the hundreds of prophecies regarding the Lord Jesus. Plan of salvation – All other religions and religious books speak of man needing to do or not do certain things to win the favour of the gods or to appease evil spirits.  Only the Bible speaks of God freely giving His Son, and of Jesus willingly giving up His life to die to pay the full price of sin for sinners.  Only the Bible teaches of a full salvation for sinners that is graciously given by God and received by faith.  God receives all the honor and glory, not man. Personal application – The application of the Bible by the Holy Spirit changes people’s hearts and turns them from loving and living for self and sin to loving and living for God and others.  This application produces the deepest level of change possible in a person, and this change is eternal. Have you been amazed at the gracious and wonderful way of salvation taught in the Bible’s gospel?  Have the truths of the Bible produced a foundational change in your life?  Are you fighting against selfishness and sin in your life and striving to live out of love to God and others?

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