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Writer's pictureKevin Van Driesten

Remaining Single

Remaining Single

I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I. 1 Corinthians 7:8

Read 1 Corinthians 7:6-17

Mankind has been made to have communion with each other (Genesis 2:18). It is a great blessing when the Lord brings a young man and a young woman together. However, that has not been ordained for every individual. The church has not always dealt properly with those who are called to go through life alone. Married life is generally considered as normal, while singleness is sometimes thought to be abnormal. It is then easy to think that those who remain unmarried have missed the real purpose of life, with the result that they are pressured to go out and seek a life partner.

But that is not correct! Paul also points this out to us. It is honourable when a person desires to remain unmarried to serve the Lord. An individual may choose to remain single so that he might better consecrate his life to God. This is especially true when they choose to work on the mission field.

Take Paul as an example. If he had been married, he could never have fulfilled the labours to which the Lord had called him. It would have been irresponsible for him to have gone on his dangerous missionary journeys while his wife and children remained at home. As an unattached servant of God, he could consecrate his life in service to Jesus Christ more freely. Moreover, the marriage bond is not the only communal connection society has. There is also the communion of saints! Have you experienced this communion? It is to be found through Christ.

Thought: The church has some negative opinions about remaining single.

Psalter 161:1,4,5 (based on Psalm 62) My soul in silence waits for God, My Saviour He has proved; He only is my rock and tower; I never shall be moved. My honor is secure with God, My Saviour He is known; My refuge and my rock of strength Are found in God alone. On Him, ye people, evermore Rely with confidence; Before Him pour ye out your heart, For God is our defense.

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