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God is Unchangeable

“God is unchangeable”

Jacob have I loved. —Romans 9:13

Read Romans 9:1-13

One negative character trait of human beings is their fickleness, especially in friendships. Sometimes friendships diminish when we find a friend does not agree with us, for whatever reason. This break in relationship may even occur when a friend serves the Lord and desires to obey God’s Word and His commandments.

But the Lord is not fickle; no varying is to be found in Him. He seeks the lost and the downtrodden. He seeks people who are disloyal to His cause. He eats with sinners, gives sight to the blind, and will never forsake His own. The Lord loves them with an eternal love, even when they turn their backs to Him. Again and again He seeks them, and grants them His love. What a com-fort it must be to God’s people that the Lord is unchangeable. He knows them all by name and calls them to Himself. We too are called by means of God’s Word. The Lord calls us, “Turn ye to me and be saved.” He would become our Guide, teaching us how to walk in His ways.

How do we know from our Scripture passage that the Lord is unchangeable?


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